As I began to lose weight in a healthy way people started telling me how great I looked, leading it to soon take over my life in an obsessive way. I realised I could achieve the validation and sense control that I had always longed for as a child but never received, and there was always room to push myself harder. It made me feel accomplished and great about myself. It made me feel so great that it was worth feeling constantly tired and hungry and I continued to live life in this anxiety-driven, exhausting auto pilot for years. My disordered habits started as a convenient way for me to cope with a lot of the overwhelming aspects of my life, but also coincidently answered my unmet needs. They kept me focused and stopped me going off the rails somewhat – but I became too dependant on them.
The reality is at some point we’re all likely use food and exercise as a means of coping, but people often feel far removed from an actual disorder because most unhealthy habits are glamorised. It’s particularly hard to notice when we’ve been subjected to diet culture from a very young age, where losing weight is encouraged usually portrayed as a positive thing, particularly for women. We have set ridiculous expectations for our appearance and bodies! But alcohol is very similar. Heavy drinking is also glamourised from a very young age, and we often label people as weak when they don’t partake in excessive drinking, yet when people become dependent on it in a way where it interferes with their lives – we shame them. “That could never be me”. If you’re doing something addictive as a means of coping, of course it can happen to you. Eating disorders can happen to anyone, at any time, for any reason.
“I don’t look like I have an eating disorder”
This is an important one for me, that you have to meet a certain image/criterion to have an eating disorder, based on size, weight, gender, race – anything. I think most people are under the impression that anorexia is an illness for young, white already skinny girls to keep themselves skinny. Even though I meet most of these criteria, I never saw skinny enough, and sadly I probably never would have. Basically, because I felt I didn’t look like I had an eating disorder, then I didn’t have one, completely overlooking the absolute wreck that my mind was. I can’t stress enough that it is 100% a psychological condition, which can have spill over effects onto your physical health. Even when I started to recover and opened up to people about my experience, I did get a few “I would never have guessed, you just didn’t/don’t look skinny enough”. Comments like this made me invalidate my experience all over again. 85% of people with eating disorders are not underweight, and this ‘Anorexia Standard’ is absolutely toxic, and it is an expectation which prevents people getting the help they need. You can have an eating disorder and deserve help at any size, gender, race, age. I feel this is especially important for men with the rise of gym culture and the unrealistic expectations they are now having put on their bodies – a 25% of people with eating disorders are men!
“Recovery has to be linear. I have to go from bad to better by myself –that is the only option”
Although admitting and realising I had a problem gave me a massive sense of relief, I didn’t want to do anything about it. I was too attached to my habits and I felt they were something I was in control of and could get over by myself when I wanted to. I lived with them for another year when they got really bad again, I saw that they had more control over me than I had over them. I decided to get professional help, while this helped massively, the prospect of letting go of the habits that gave me comfort and had helped me navigate my entire life was still too much. They were part of me. I didn’t complete my therapy course. Things improved, but I just continued recover and relapse for a while. My idea of recovery just seemed like something completely out of reach. I discarded the idea all together, accepting I would never get there. I decided I was beyond help.
Over time I began surrounding myself with incredibly lovely supportive people, who helped me form safe, non-judgemental relationships where I could be vulnerable and talk about my feelings. I started feeling less ashamed about it the more I confronted it, and this secret that I’d tried to hide for so long was finally ‘out there’. I realised how strong I was for everything I’d been through - quite the opposite of weak or broken. As I reached out to more and more people, others also began opening-up to me about their mental health experiences, and I was amazed by how many people also had disordered eating thoughts and habits just like mine.
As my expectations of myself, others and “recovery” changed, my disordered habits gradually faded away. I noticed some of the rules I used to be policed and restricted by had disappeared with them. They didn’t really serve me anymore. The things I feared happening such as eating bread, skipping the gym, buying the next size up all happened, and my life didn’t fall apart. It was very subtle. Now I’m in a place that I never thought achievable - living with such a suffocating and limiting mindset again seems unimaginable. However, I am quietly aware of how easy it is to relapse and that I know I have more to grow – but this is something that excites me. Looking back though, my recovery was far from linear. It was up, down, move it all around! And it happened when I shared it with others. This is personal to me though.
What advice would you give to anyone who may be going through similar or perhaps has a colleague, friend or family member?
For anyone who feels as though this even remotely resonates with you – I would urge you to read up more into this and speak to someone about how you’re feeling. Whether this is a friend, a partner, a professional, or even an anonymous helpline. Mental health disorders absolutely thrive on secrecy and it’s so important to acknowledge what’s going on so you can get the help you need – and remember you aren’t alone and you aren’t a burden! I often regret how much time, energy and potential I have lost from being absorbed by this disorder and I really wish I’d had my epiphany much, much sooner. I wouldn’t wish the same for anyone - life is too short.